Divx Online
Toate filmele noastre sunt la calitate hd si au subtitrare in romana micile exceptii fiind cele noi aparute care sunt puse o calitate slaba cam avand subtitrare in engleza sau deloc.
Divx online. Search for a divx device. Skip the cables and get instant access to all your media on all your devices. Divx software includes a free 15 day trial of cloud connect. Divx connects the movies you can purchase or rent online to your electronics devices through your computer and the divx software.
There are several ways and a variety of tools to find and download videos that you enjoy. Divx media server part of divx player lets you cast videos music and photos from your computer to the tv. Cast to your favorite devices such as chromecast apple tv xbox playstation roku smart tvs and more. Import videos from cloud storage to convert in divx converter.
To play purchased divx vod movies on a divx certified device tv blu ray player mobile phone tablet playstation3 etc you will need to complete a one time divx vod registration. Adaugam zilnic cele mai noi filme online. Easily upload converted videos directly to cloud storage to save space. Toate filmele si serialele sunt postate la o calitate de 720p.
Adaugam filmele si serialele in cel mai scurt timp posibil imediat dupa difuzarea lor in usa la ora 5 00 am in romania. Download videos from dropbox or google drive and cast them to a dlna or chromecast device with divx media server.